Ewoks Layouts and Posing

Here is a thumbnail index for some of the Background Layouts and animation poses from the "Ewoks" show that I did during 1985 at Nelvana in Toronto.

The thumbnails here look like crap, but the actual drawings look much better. Click on them to see and read more about the show.

Gorneesh & Wicket
Scary Pteradactyl

Gorneesh & Shaman

Kneesa & Wicket
Yuzzums riding Rakazaks

Ewok BGs
Ewok BGs
Ewok BGs
Ewok BGs
Ewok BGs

Here are some storyboards from one of the shows:

Sc 1 - 4
Sc 5 - 16
Sc 17 - 31
Sc 32 - 44

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