Ewoks Animation Posing

All of these animation poses are from the second Ewoks show. In this scene, Gorneesh, the leader of the Dulocks is shaking Wicket by the ankle to get him to drop the soap. A second bar pops out and drops to the ground.

The Ewoks show was obviously a spin off series from the Star Wars movie Return of the Jedi. There were only 9 shows in the entire series, the same as the Droids shows.

I had been away from Nelvana since I quit in 1983 after the Inspector Gadget Show. I did a bunch of freelance work for advertising agencies and a couple of long runs with magazines. At the beginning of 1984, things were very slow financially, so I popped into the studio and applied for a job. The only positions they had available were in layout. I did a test and got a job as a layout assistant, cleaning up someone elses rough drawings. By the end of show one, I was a senior layout artist.

I worked on the Ewoks only for the first three shows. The Droids show was more complicated and had much more design work so it took the three shows to be ready for production in layout. I switched over to the Droids show (mainly because I was sick and tired of drawing trees and bushes all the time).

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