Don’t necessarily be satisfied with your first line that you put down as though it was a gift from above and has some divine right not to be argued with. Look at any animator’s rough drawings and you’ll see a messy tangle of lines that look as though the artist was just scribbling on paper and searching for that one right line... well, it’s true, that’s exactly what they were doing!!!

Very few people have the ability (if any) to do the perfect drawing without doing any structural rough first. It requires the search and questioning to get to that ultimate good pose. Don’t be afraid of this process, rather embrace it and nurture it... whoa, sorry, I got carried away there.
Now where was I?... oh yeah, curved lines.

Check out some examples below and look for the “S” curves and the “C” curves. See how many you can spot. Most people never do this. They just look at the overall drawing and accept the image for what it is. But as an artist, you are the one who creates that image, LINE BY LINE! using either straight or curved lines.
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