
Sc # J-2-1 - MEDIUM shot. 3 sec.
Little Red Riding Hood knocks on the door of the cottage.
Sc # J-2-2 - CLOSE UP SHOT. 4 sec.
Slight 3/4 down shot.
The Wolf pokes his head out from under the covers
Wolf: “Ahem... Come in dearie, the door’s open.”
(Disguising his voice)
Sc # J-2-3 - Medium LONG shot. 4 sec.
View of the door from inside, Red opens the door and pokes her head in.
Little Red: “Hi Grandma, I brought you some food and goodies to eat.
Sc # J-2-4 - LONG SHOT PAN BG up to you.
View of the inside of the room looking at the door.

Red walks over towards the bed still thinking that the Wolf is Grandma.

Sc # J-2-5 - MEDIUM 3/4 DOWNSHOT 5 sec.
Shot on Red as she settles into a stop at the side of the bed, looking up towards the Wolf o/s. (The quilt is in the foreground.) Red’s expression changes subtly to a quizzical look as she just begins to suspect, then she takes on a look of determination.
Red: “Why Grandma, what big eyes you have!”
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