Script Sc # J-2-1 - MEDIUM shot. 3 sec. |
Little Red Riding Hood knocks on the door of the cottage. | ||||||
Sc # J-2-2 - CLOSE UP SHOT. 4 sec. |
Slight 3/4 down shot. The Wolf pokes his head out from under the covers Wolf: Ahem... Come in dearie, the doors open. (Disguising his voice) |
Sc # J-2-3 - Medium LONG shot. 4 sec. | ||||||
View of the door from inside, Red opens the door and pokes her head in. Little Red: Hi Grandma, I brought you some food and goodies to eat. |
Sc # J-2-4 - LONG SHOT PAN BG up to you. | ||||||
View of the inside of the room looking at the door. Red walks over towards the bed still thinking that the Wolf is Grandma. Matchcut |
Sc # J-2-5 - MEDIUM 3/4 DOWNSHOT 5 sec. | ||||||
Shot on Red as she settles into a stop at the side of the bed, looking up towards the Wolf o/s. (The quilt is in the foreground.) Reds expression changes subtly to a quizzical look as she just begins to suspect, then she takes on a look of determination. Red: Why Grandma, what big eyes you have! |
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