Purpose of Perspective
We exist within a three dimensional world.
1 - Up and Down,
2 - Left and Right, and
3 - Forward and Back.
The process of drawing requires that we use two of these dimensions: Up and Down, and Left and Right. On a sheet of paper there is no forward and back. We need to create that illusion on the paper, otherwise the drawings will appear flat. This is where perspective comes in.
Any time that I teach people to draw, I always review the principles of perspective. I find two things amazing. The first is how the students all go, Awwww, cmon lets get right to the cartoon characters, I already know perspective! Dont waste my time!
The second thing that amazes me is how many of them dont really know how to draw using perspective properly.
The assignment which Im going to give to you is the same that I give to them. This assignment will give you a proper understanding of your own personal knowledge of perspective. Some of you will get it and do well on the assignment, while others of you will have a major problem getting it to work. Dont worry about it, thats just what this assignment is all about. It gives me an Idea as to where you are and it will open your eyes as to where you are. This will give us a common ground on which to base the remaining exercises.
The principles that were going to go through are fundamental to the success of your being able to draw a good cartoon character. Without them (trust me on this one) your character is gonna look pretty bad!