Animation As:

The Telling of a Narrative-

Illuminates an experience of life.

As humans we relate our experience to others in story, and relive that experience. Some examples are: cave paintings, portrait paintings, narrative paintings, comic strips, editorial cartoons, comic books, live action movies, television shows, photographs, home video’s, animated cartoons.

- Animates the imagination or consciousness.

Think about all the wide variety of different animated stories from the past 100 years. How many more can be done. What story do you have to tell?

Abstract / Pure Motion

- Our illusion is drawings projected in sequence in time.

- Our drawings must convey primary motivational force...EMOTION.

- They must have motion information; the principles of animation.

- We must consciously direct our audience and focus their attention.

- We must study and distill the essence of what we communicate.

As animators we are primarily and consistently Communicators.
Previous Page - Emotions and Attitude

Next Page - Assignment - Expressing an Emotion

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