Emotions and Attitudes
What is an emotion? What is an attitude? Are they both the same thing? Try this: Dont list a bunch of emotions instead, define what an emotion is. Think for a few seconds... define what an emotion is. |
Emo-tion - A psychological departure from homeostasis that is subjectively experienced in strong feeling (as of love, hate, desire, or fear) and manifests itself in neuro-muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, hormonal, and other bodily changes preparatory to overt acts which may or may not be performed. A state of strong feeling (as of fear, anger, disgust, grief, joy, or surprise) (he felt a sudden rage but quickly controlled the emotion) (overcome with the emotion of grief when he heard of his friends death) (the girl hardly knew what love was since she had never before experienced such a tender emotion). At-ti-tude - A persistent disposition to act either positively or negatively toward a person, group, object, situation, or value. |
So, simply put, an emotion is: a feeling that effects us physically and mentally, | |||||||||
and an attitude is: an action we take towards something or someone. | |||||||||
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