Time Limits - Character Designs - 1 week (approx. 20 hours) - Location Designs - 1 week (approx. 20 hours) Complete one view of the court yard completely before going on to the second view. Get it approved before committing yourself to the final design. - Storyboards - 2 weeks (approx. 40 hours) Do the complete script in thumbnail sketches to try a variety of compositions and get them approved before moving on to the final clean up version. - Layouts - 1 week (approx. 20 hours max.) From start to finish, each of these layout packages should take you approximately 4 to 6 hours to complete (or 12 - 18 hours total) Begin first by getting all the technical stuff out of the way. Before getting started, read pages 125 to 147 in the Layout And Design Made Amazingly Simple book. Label and complete your layout folder first. This assignment will be labeled: Sc # E - 5 - 1 through to E - 5 - 11. Next, complete the field guides. Follow the storyboard breakdowns for each scene supplied for the assignment. Trace the field guides onto separate sheets of paper in blue pencil for your pose # 1s. Label the bottom of the animation poses. Label the bottom of animation pose # 2. You dont need to draw the field guide on the second or third or however many poses you have in each scene as this is redundant. Next, take another sheet of animation paper to be used for the background and label the bottom of it as well. Once this is done, take your field guide and place it under the background paper. Trace off the field corner marks in red. Finally, label your level sketch appropriately. The labeling should take about 10 minutes per scene. Now that all the technical stuff is out of the way, we can concentrate on the artistic side. I try to separate all the left brain and right brain parts of the layout, so that I can focus fully on either the art or the technical individually. (This is completely up to you, its just the way I like to work. If you dont want to do it this way, you dont have to. I wont come over to your house and beat you up.) |
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