
Sc # E-5-1 - Long shot.
Mustapha carries the still dazed Cassim out the door. Mustapha pauses and closes the door behind him. He then lifts Cassim up to eye level.
Match cut.
Mustapha looking at Cassim.
Mustapha: “You idiot!”
Mustapha throws Cassim o/s.
Sc # E-5-3 - Medium LONG SHOT.
Slight 3/4 down shot.
Cassim hits the ground and rolls to a stop.
Cassim: “OOF! Ouch.”
Cassim sits up and rubs his head.
Cassim: “What was that for?”
Sc # E-5-4 - Medium shot.
Mustapha now standing beside a basket on a mule speaks to Cassim.
Mustapha: “We’re here to kill them you fool, not have a party.”
Mustapha turns to the basket and lifts the lid.
Mustapha looks down into the empty basket
Mustapha: “Hassan, be ready for my signal”
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