Two Point Perspective Grids





Perspective grids are really useful for creating a definable, measured space such as a room in a house. If you work to a scale of 8' for the height of a wall (which is the height of most rooms in a typical house) and subdivide the corner line into 8 segments, you can create a nice grid which will also help you to define the depth of the room along with any objects that you decide to draw within it.




For this room we used a horizon line half way up the wall and a vanishing point right in the middle.

If you take and rotate the image in any way, it will still look the same.






In the second box I lowered the horizon line so it looks like it's just under the 2' height (as though you were in the box sitting on your bum).

You see less of the floor and more of the ceiling.





If I take and rotate the image 180˚, it looks as though you're about 6' tall.

Now you see less of the ceiling and more of the floor area.






If I turn it just 90˚ and do a slight transformation to the scale I can make it look as though I'm back to the 4' level and over towards the left wall.



If I take the two point perspective boxes I can do the same type of things by rotating the image.




In this one we're about a foot off the ground.

If I flip it over, we're around 7' off the ground. It almost looks like we're floating in the air a bit.






If I turn it 90˚ clockwise it will look as though we're looking up at the corner of the ceiling.








With this one, if we rotate it 90˚ counter clockwise it looks like we're leaning against the right wall and looking down towards the corner on the floor.


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