Animation Guidance Councellor
I'll assume you've been through some of this website and you've found it interesting enough to end up on this page. That's a good thing. It means that you're interested in taking the next step and that's actually doing some stuff. You're probably one of three types of people: Type 1) someone who's really interested in animation but you're still not sure if this is really what you want to do, or; Type 2) a person who's decided that this is what you want to do and you've either applied to an animation school or you're currently in a college level animation school, or; Type 3) Some of you might actually be a combination of both; you're in a school but you're not completely sure if this is what you really want to do for a bunch of different reasons. If you feel you're a Type 1 person, click here. If you feel you're a Type 2 person, click here. If you feel you're a Type 3 person, click here. |