Animation Assignment #10

You are to animate a character of your own design completing the following actions:
The character is to start from off screen (it can be either left or right, your choice). The character is to walk on screentowards a doorway on the opposite side of the field. The door is closed. The character stops in front of the door, grasps the knob, turns it and then pulls on it. The door is not opening. They should try again with the same result. From this point on the action is up to you. The character must show a form of thought process with appropriate timing. There should be at least one more attempt with a graduated escelation in the effort by the character with the door remaining shut, then on the final attempt the door is opened by whatever means you see fit.

This must be a full body long shot. Do not make the character any smaller than 4” on your animation paper.

You'll need to draw a layout background with the actual door on a separate level as a held cel. When the character actually opens the door, it will become a part of the animation level. Be sure the horizon line is at the character's eye or chest level - nothing higher or lower. The character must match the floor plane in your animation throughout.

Shoot the animation as a line test showing 3 cycles, transfer to computer file as an .avi and submit for grading. Be sure you have a clear and readable name slate at the beginning only.

Principles Involved
• Acting
• Expressing an attitude or emotional state

•Working from your own character design
• Showing a thought process
Slo in & Slo out
Stretch & Squash
Overlapping Action
Use of Arcs
• Character
Emotion & Attitude
• Observation
• Flipping


4 weeks (24 - 30 hours)

Assignment is worth 30% of the second semester grade

Animation will be graded in the following areas:

Animation will be graded in the following areas:
• Strong Key Posing
• Appropriate, Realistic Timing
• Proper Anticipation, Action, Reactions
• Overlapping Action
• Weight
• Balance

The animation must show appropriate squash and stretch, realistic timing, proper slo-in and slo-out on the arms, leg movements, torque, tilt, and twist in the pelvis and shoulders (if any) as per in-class lecture demonstration. Character must appear to have realistic weight on a proper one or two point perspective plane with horizon line at chest level when the character is standing.

Required Actions:

• Enter from off screen   ___/5
• 1st attempt   ___/2
• 2nd attempt   ___/3
• Think time   ___/3
• 3rd attempt   ___/3
• Final resolution   ___/4
  Total ____/20

Graded Areas:

• Strong Key Posing   ___/10
• Appropriate, Realistic Timing   ___/10
• Proper Anticipation   ___/10
• Action   ___/10
• Reactions   ___/10
• Overlapping Action   ___/10
• Weight   ___/10
• Balance   ___/10
  Total ____/80

Work Schedule

Week 1
Begin working out thumbnails
Rough out primary keys to describe the basic action.
Rough out secondary keys indicating anticipation and reactions throughout scene.
Time out keys and pencil test to confirm timing.
Make any adjustments necessary.
Draw breakdowns to broad actions.

Week 2
Show Brian rough animation.
(Failure to show all rough key poses will result in a 10% deduction)
Draw breakdowns to broad actions.
Begin inbetweening.

Week 3
Show Brian keys and breakdown poses.
(Failure to show all key poses and breakdowns will result in a 10% deduction)
Continue inbetweening.

Week 4
Show Brian as much completed animation as you can.
(Failure to show at least 50% of the assignment inbetweened will result in a 10% deduction)
Continue inbetweening.

Week 5
Have animation on computer as .avi by end of class.
Screening all submitted assignments.

Reading Assignment
Read pages 253 - 266 of the Character Animation and Lip Sync book.

Watch the pencil test of the keys (it's 18mb so it'll take a while to load)

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