Emotion and Attitude There are four basic emotions: Happy, Sad, Angry, and Surprised. In my research on the subject, I've found that there are about 118 variations on these that describe both emotions and attitudes. As you read through the list, you'll obviously find that they fall into the four categories and that they can be similar, such as Angry, Bitterness, Disapproval, Fury, Hate, Insult, Jealousy, Mad. They all fall into the category of Anger, they're just different types. |
Emotions AMAZED |
Attitudes AGGRESSION |
Go through this list yourself and for each word say either: He had a feeling of _______. or She had an attitude of _________. and see which one fits the best. Youll find that some words work well with both statements and so they can be both an emotion or an attitude. Youll also have to change the tense of the word or rephrase the statement as in, She had a sophisticated attitude. in most cases to make it sound right. Simply put, an emotion is: a feeling that effects us physically and mentally, and an attitude is: an action we take towards something or someone. Emo-tion - A psychological departure from homeostasis that is subjectively experienced in strong feeling (as of love, hate, desire, or fear) and manifests itself in neuro-muscular, respiratory, cardiovascular, hormonal, and other bodily changes preparatory to overt acts which may or may not be performed. A state of strong feeling (as of fear, anger, disgust, grief, joy, or surprise) (he felt a sudden rage but quickly controlled the emotion) (overcome with the emotion of grief when he heard of his friends death) (the girl hardly knew what love was since she had never before experienced such a tender emotion). |