Overlapping Pendulum Class Demo

This is a fairly straightforward assignment that can be handled in a number of different ways, depending on how you want the pendulum to swing. I videotaped a couple of my lectures for this assignment in which I did a demo showing how I animate. I've broken the lecture into bite sized pieces (the overall lecture and demo was about an hour long).

After each section, I'll show you the drawings that I did.

Part 1- Keys, Path of Action, and Timing Charts.

Click here to watch the first section of the lecture

Here's key #1

Key #5

Key #10

and Key #13 (which is the opposite of #1.

Here's the path of action with the inbetween positions indicated.

Part 2 - Inbetweening and alternate loops.

Click here to watch the second half of the lecture.

Here's the pencil test for the first version of the swing.

And here's the pencil test of the second version.

See the difference in the end actions?

This next version has a slightly different timing, using 28 drawings total (from my Oct 18th, 2012 demo).

You can see how it's moving slightly slower than the others, because it has more drawings.

Click here to go to the Seaweed Assignment, lecture, and demos.


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