F.A.Q. - Sheridan College |
Our most Frequently asked questions about Sheridan College...Why didn't I get into Sheridan College?How can I get into Sheridan College?What makes Sheridan College so good?
Why didn't I get into Sheridan College?Speaking bluntly, it's probably because your drawing skills weren't good enough. This could be in any number of areas. The primary area is life drawing and the understanding (or lack thereof) of proportions, structure, anatomy (both surface and internal), volumes, balance, and weight. Many people haven't done a lot of life drawing and their drawings just look bad. This takes a lot of drawing, hard work, drawing, observation, drawing and more drawing. How can I get into Sheridan College?Take some life drawing classes! Draw every day no matter what! Draw everyday objects around your house from different points of views. Keep the objects simple, like a can opener or a spatula or your telephone. Don't draw large complicated things like the old '57 Chevy in the front yard. It takes too long and has too much detail. Pick just the headlight or the side mirror, something that takes no more than 10 minutes to draw completely. Practice your perspective daily. Think when you draw!!! If you don't think then you're just doodling and that's a waste of time. you must think intensely about every line that you draw, asking, why is this line here? What does it represent? Does it look right? Does it enhance the overall drawing or make it look weird? Should I fix it? Where's my eraser? What makes Sheridan College so good?I'm so incredibly biased on this question because I'm a graduate of the program, I've taught in the program and I ran the program for several years. There are several reasons as to why Sheridan College has one of the best program in the world as we know it.