This is another assignment from my book "Character Animation and Lip Sync"

For this assignment you are to animate two characters in conversation with each other.

I chose to use my characters from a project that I actually started way back in the summer of 1982 during a short lay-off at Nelvana while they moved the studio from the Queens Quay location to the Lakeshore location at the foot of Jarvis St. (It's now a car dealership if you're down and around that area.)

I had been reading a lot of the original Sherlock Holmes stories and watching the Basil Rathbone films. I decided to make a spoof of them and ended up storyboarding a 2o minute film. I got a small government grant to start production but that quickly ran out. I got the sound track completely recorded and edited and a small chunk of the scenes laid out and maybe two scenes animated before I got called back to production at Nelvana. It's been sitting in a box ever since then and once in a while I pull it out and think, "I should work on this." but never get around to it.

I decided to take a short section of the audio track and use it for this assignment. Maybe someday I'll get it all done... hah.

Sherluck Homes two character lip sync assignment (work in progress)

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