Designing Cartoon Characters
for Animation
Volume 2

Here's the complete online version of the Designing Cartoon Characters for Animation Vol. 2 book.

I wrote this book as a guide to students learning 1st year character design. In it are 8 lessons that take you through the process of designing cartoon character heads. I use this book in my drawing course that I offer each summer to students from around the world.

The students do each assignment and then e-mail me the drawings. I then take the drawings and review them using an over-the-shoulder video camera, making suggestions for doing the drawings better. I then send this back to the student in DVD format for them to watch.

Since 1998 when the course first began I've taught over 180 students.

The course begins in May each year and runs for 8 weeks with registration beginning March 1st for the 20 positions available. Click here to learn more about the course.

The book is available for $25.00. Click here for ordering information.

There is also a 1 hour 49 minute DVD that shows me going through all the assignments. This is available for $25.00. Click here for ordering information.

If you follow this link, you can watch a 6 1/2 min section of the DVD.

Come on in and have fun looking around.


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