"Designing Cartoon Characters for Animation" | |||||||||||||||||
By BRIAN LEMAY 250 pages for $25.00 Are you tired of all those "Coffee Table" books on animation? You know the one's that I'm talking about; they show lots of nice, even beautiful drawings and illustrations from productions, but they don't have any information on how the artist came to draw the character that certain way or what their thought process was. What about all those "How To" books that are aimed at the young reader with those simple 3 steps to making a drawing? They just explain it all in too "simple" terms. I have all those books myself. I love to read books on animation, cartooning and the process of getting it done, I'm just frustrated with the lack of in-depth information available. If you're like me, and wish there were some books that really go through the whole process on a professional level, then this is the book for you! As an animator, you need to know how to draw cartoon characters in a 3-dimensional way, making them look solid and real. I've written this book so you can go through the entire theory on why and how cartoon characters are drawn and how you can do the same thing, not just copying my drawings but how to come up with your own characters. |
These are the topics covered: | |||||||||||||||||
Perspective Body construction Model sheets Style Stereotypes Volumes Complimentary shapes Gestures Rotations/views Size comparisons Line quality Designing Posing Costume Clean up Putting the model sheet together |
Head construction Creating your own characters Character selection Proportions Structure/shapes Appeal/humor Expressions - body/face Silhouettes Will it animate Reference material Thought process Model sheets Character Expressions Final checking Model sheet examples |
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