"Designing Cartoon Characters for Animation"
As you've no doubt figured out by now, the Interactive CD based on the Designing Cartoon Characters for Animation book has not been completed. Well, here is the reason: I had some animation students working on the animated portions and they were almost completed when they all graduated and went off to find jobs. Almost 70% of it was completely animated and scanned. The next year I had some other students working on the programming of the CD with the portions of animation that were completed. These students completed the first chapter of the book. They too then graduated and left to find jobs.
So, simply put, the CD is in production limbo right now. At some point I'd like to see it finished considering all the time, money and accumulated efforts that have been put into it so far. For now, we should consider it a shelved product until something new comes up.
I'm really sorry for any inconvenience this has been for anyone.