One Point Perspective


At this point let’s review the ground rules of perspective in creating a box. We'll go through a few examples of both one and two-point perspective, and then illustrate several different rotations and tumbling boxes.

Step 1:

Begin with the horizon line high on your piece of paper (we'll be making this a slight downshot). Place a short line through the horizon line. The point at which the two lines bisect each other will be your vanishing point

Step 2:

Draw a box below the horizon line. (It doesn't have to be a perfect, equal sided square, it can be a rectangle if you like.)

This rectangle will represent the side of the box closest to the viewer.

Step 3:

From each corner of the rectangle, extend a line to the vanishing point on the horizon line. These lines will represent the top, bottom, and two sides of the three-dimensional box.

Step 4:

Draw another rectangle parallel to the first one connecting each of the corners to the lines receding to the vanishing point. This will represent the back side of the box farthest away from you.

Erase the lines which extend beyond the back side of the box to the vanishing point.

Step 5:

You can create a solid looking box by simply erasing the lines which are hidden by the solid plane.

Your one-point perspective box is now complete.

In this view it appears that the side closest to you has been removed.

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