Some Suggestions
If youre having a rough time coming up with an idea for a character, Ive found a simple technique rather helpful as a springboard for ideas.
Actually, the creation of this wasnt so simple, it took me a few days to put this together. When you look at it youll think, This guys a goof... a few days to do this? It did take a bit of research and reading through a few books on animals.
Ive simply grouped the animals into their family clusters. If you just close your eyes and point to the page and whatever your finger lands on, well just design that animal. If none of these tweak your interest then Ive given you a story outline that you could work from. If these lead you to an independent idea, thats great. If you end up using one of these ideas, thats fine as well.
Scientists have grouped all living things into classifications. Things that are alike are grouped into classes, such as: amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc. There are thousands upon thousands of different living things on the earth today. Mammals alone are grouped into 18 orders and each order is divided into more than 100 families. |