2 hrs x 3,600 drawings = 7,200 hours = 900 days = 180 weeks means you’d need 4 animators to complete it in the same amount of time. Because the drawings are more complicated, you’d have to pay them more as well. If we left the rate per week exactly the same at $800.00 per week, each animator would earn the same pay but you’d have 3 1/2 more animators to pay, so your overall animation budget would now have to be 4 x $36,000.00 = $144,000.00. That’s a big difference.

Of course you’d never get away with paying them the same rate for a much harder job of drawing. By just doubling their salaries you’d have an enormous budget far beyond the original one in project ‘A’. Sure, you’d have a much superior product visually but could you recoup your expenses and make a profit in the long run? These are the questions that plague all animation production houses.

You have to take these factors into consideration when producing your own work or doing some freelance illustration as well. A more complex character will take more time to draw and will therefore cost your client more. Are they willing to pay for it?

Here are some examples of simple characters and their more complex counterparts. Some of this falls under style as well.
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