Daily Practice

Study through observation and research, draw, mentally visualize actions, draw, practice thumbnails until you arrive at a solid ability to shorthand your characters, draw, draw, draw,. As you gain experience through your drawing, you can allow your subconscious to search for various entertainment and expression possibilities. The more you practice the more you may learn about your characters. This added knowledge may help in your approach to the storytelling and characterization.


Be sure to focus on the basic principles of perspective, structure and anatomy. Take notes while viewing the video tape, follow along with the demonstrations yourself. Review your hand outs on the assignment. Look for examples of the characters you’re designing in animated films, live action, and in real life. Act out the action yourself and analyze what your body is doing. Ask someone else to do the action and watch how they interpret it. Look at their facial expressions, analyze why they are looking that way and make notes to yourself or do thumbnail sketches. Look at your own face in a mirror and contort it to reflect a wide variety of emotions. Incorporate the basic principles involved into your research and your understanding of the designs desired.

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