Appeal cont'd

What is it that makes it appealing? It’s because there is something from each of us in all of those characters that we can pretend to be. It’s a form of escape from our dull, normal lives. Who hasn’t dreamed of being Superman and flying through the air to rescue someone or have the power to stop any foe, to be invincible and thus fearless. But, we all have weaknesses and so there is Kryptonite to make it more possible for us to empathize with Superman’s fear of this chunk of rock.
It’s the ability to pretend to be someone that we’re not to be entertained by something we can feel ourselves. To be moved emotionally but not have any real risk because it’s not us up there. We can walk away from the tragic loss of a loved one and immediately get on with our lives. There is no long term emotional price that we have to pay for our involvement in the scenario but we still feel a part of it none-the-less.

This is starting to get pretty deep but I hope you understand what I’m saying here.

Whenever you work on a project, you’ll be working to a target market. You must know what that target market likes before you can design something that will appeal to it. Pokemon is an example of this. It was never made for the 35 - 65 year old market. I can’t stand the show but my kids, 3 and 6 have this morbid fascination with them. (Kids these days, I say.) The same thing can be said for every show ever produced, (not that I can’t stand the show, but rather it’s been created for a specific market).

Know your market before you start to work because it will determine the way you design your character. What may seem appealing to one group of people could really turn another group off.

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Designing Your Own Characters Assignment
