Mustapha & Cassim Maquette
Class #1 continued.

I need a cross brace on the mid-back so I can attach the wire that will form the support for the character's neck and head. I just looped a short piece of wire on either side...

...then glued it into place.

Here, I'm just pinching the ends tightly with the needle noesd pliers.

With the two arms attached, I'm checking to be sure the lengths are correct and the angles look right.

Bending the wires using pliers is a bit easier on the hands depending on the thickness of the wire. These one's for the arms are pretty thick because I don't wnat the character to sag when I pack on the Sculpey.

Mustapha's hands are pretty close together so I need to join this point together.

I clipped off a shot little piece and bent it around the point where Mustapha's hands end.

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