Oddly enough this began as a 'rainy day' project back in 1981. It was on a Saturday, it was raining and I had nothing better to do so I went down into the basement and found a bunch of 2" thick styrofoam sheets. For some odd reason the idea popped into my head to glue the sheets together and then carve them into a life size moose head. I found a couple of ping pong balls for the eyes, some old 'borg' fur that my mother had used to reupolster an old couch, a hockey stick, felt, and pillow stuffing for the antlers and 10 hours later... ta daa!

This moose has gone everywhere with me. He was in my office at Nelvana through Ewoks and Droids, went to Ottawa for Teddy Ruxpin, spent a few weeks in the National Art Gallery (weird but true) during a studio show. Came back to Nelvana, then into Sheridan College where he had many a weird adventure. Then for the short time I was coordinator at Seneca College, he was looking over my shoulder in my office there.

He is now peacefully gracing the wall above the fireplace in my studio at our home in Mississauga.

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