12 Simple Steps to Importing and Exporting Your Animation

1) Turn on computer, VCR, TV, and Converter.
2) Open Premier, set up your project.
3) Insert the video tape into the VCR.
4) Set converter to Analog In
5) Go to: FILE - Capture
6) Cue the video to a bit before your animation begins and press play
7) Click on the record button in the capture window in Premier
8) When you’ve captured enough, click on the stop button, or the record
button again to end the capturing.
9) Save the captured sequence in your folder with an appropriate name.
10) You can now drag and drop the animation or sound into the timeline for

1) Be sure the project is properly saved.
2) Be sure you’ve rendered the project.
3) Turn on the VCR, TV, and Converter.
4) Be sure the VCR is set to Line 1 and the Converter is set to DV IN.
5) Insert your video tape that you want to transfer the project to.
6) Cue the tape to the appropriate point that you want to begin video taping( to
avoid taping over something important).
7) Set the timeline to the first frame of the project.
8) Press the RECORD button on the VCR to begin recording.
9) Press the play button in Premier to begin the playback of the project.
10) Be sure the image is showing up on the TV monitor. If it’s not something’s
• Check to be sure the Converter is set to DV IN.
• Check to be sure the VCR is on LINE 1.
• Check to be sure the TV is on channel 3. Turn the TV off then ON again.
• Check to be sure you’ve rendered the project.
• Try the Record in EXPORT.
• Find someone to help you.
11) After the project has finished it’s playback in Premier, press the stop button
on the VCR
12) Press PLAY on the VCR and then REWIND to be sure it has been properly
recorded onto the tape.


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