Single Sentence Lip Sync

You are to animate a character in a slight 3/4 front view, delivering a complete sentence of more than 7 words (but not longer than 10) such as, “I would like two of those please.” or “Excuse me buddy, I was here first.” or “That was very rude of that person.”, or “Ho-Ho-Ho, and what would you like for Christmas little girl?” etc.

The character is to be drawn from the waist up or full body. Use the character’s entire upper torso when animating the delivery of the line. You need to have the character making an appropriate hand gesture in this assignment. Concentrate on the facial expressions, mouth positions, anticipation, action and reaction of the character. Make sure the gesture is complimentary to the line being delivered. Be sure to add some form of attitude and a head/body turn to this animation.

You can also add a second character to the scene if you want to and animate them reacting to the dialogue (this is completely optional).

Shoot the animation as a line test showing 4 cycles, and submit as an .avi into the class folder for grading. Be sure to label the file with your last name first and first name last.

Principles Involved
Scene Planning
• Lip Synchronization
Slo in & Slo out
Stretch & Squash
Overlapping Action
• Effects of Gravity
• Weight
• Realistic Timing
Use of Arcs
• Observation
• Flipping

Beginning of class - Week 10, 1st semester

Assignment is worth 30% of the first semester grade

Animation will be graded in the following areas:
• Strong Key Posing
• Appropriate, Realistic Timing
• Proper Anticipation, Action, Reactions
• Overlapping Action
• Structural, three dimensional drawing
• Proper use of mouth positions

The animation must show appropriate squash and stretch, realistic timing, proper slo-in and slo-out, torque, tilt, and twist in the head and shoulders as per in-class lecture demonstration. Character must sync to the dialogue recorded.

Character Design is of your own making.

Alternative Dialogue Suggestions
You may use any of these lines of dialogue if you wish or modify it to your liking.

“Hoo-eee! Man! That was a big one!”

“Look out you Idiot, you’ll kill us both!”

Sniff, sniff... “Do you smell something funny?”

“If I had my way, I’d... I’d...”

“That has got to be the craziest idea.”

“You should’ve seen it... it was this big!”

“No, really! I’m serious... Hey, cut it out!”

“As I was just about to say...”

“It’s over this way I’m tellin’ ya!”

“That’s it... I’ve had enough. I’m outta here.”

“Then she just came outta nowhere, and BAM!”

“Gentlemen, gentlemen... there’s no cause for alarm.”

“I’m trippin’ man... just back off, o.k.?”

“There’s one sure cure for this... ME!”


Week 6 Class
• Hand in "Absolutely Incredible" assignment at beginning of class.
• Lecture on Single Sentence assignment
• Decide on the sentence you will animate to.
• Record the sentence using a video camera, a microphone hooked up to a computer or other recording device of your choice.
• Transefer sound into computer and save as a .wav sound file (Must be completed by next class).
• Begin Soundtrack breakdown and exposure sheet fill-in (Must be completed by next class).
• Begin thumbnails or rough keys.

Week 7 Class
• Viewing “Absolutely Incredible” assignment and critiques - 1 hour.
• Hand back grades
• Checklist for exposure sheets. (10% deduction for failure to show during class period).
• Listen to sound tracks. (10% deduction for failure to show during class period).
• Review thumbnails or rough key animation (20% deduction for failure to show thumbnails during class period).
• Continue or begin key animation and major breakdowns (must be completed by next class for review).

Week 8 Class
• Begin missing breakdowns and all inbetweens (must be completed by next class for review).
• Reviewing keys and breakdowns (30% deduction for failure to show during class period).
• Revisions as necessary

Week 9 Class
• Reviewing final animation with sound track syncronized properly (30% deduction for failure to show during class period).
• Revisions as necessary

Week 10 Class
• Hand in Single Sentence animation assignment at beginning of class.
• Lecture of Two Character assignment

Back to Assignment Index


Look at the thumbnail sketches

Look at the rough key drawings

Watch the Key animation

Watch the almost final color animation