Summer 2010 Demo

Here are the drawings and pencil tests from this assignment that I did with the students.

After doing the demonstration using a bat and ball and explaining all the actions, successive breaking of joints I drew these key poses for the pitch and batting actions.

This was the design sheet I did before the class.
Some ideas to help you come up with your own character designs.

Here are the rough keys for the pitch.

This is the ready pose.

The anticipation back...

The full extension...

The high point of the shoulder on the recovery...

The settle and step forward.

And here are the keys for the Batter.

The ready pose.

I'm going to have the character ease back into the next pose while wiggling his bat and rocking back and forth with the hips.

Then anticipates a bit more.

This next pose was the first sketch trying to find the right arm position, which wasn't right. This next pose was closer but still needs to be pushed further.

Here is the final contact pose.

My first sketch of the follow through which, again can be pushed further. And the follow through redone.

The next step is to go back over these drawings again and try to push them to more of an extreme, getting as much torque, push and clean lines of action out of them as I can.

Here's a rough timed pencil test of these keys.