Yet another one of those foreground, midground, background layouts that we all know and love. This is a one point perspective setup but with the dominant elements on the right side of the screen it makes it a bit more lively.

This layout combines a few of the composition elements that have been shown to you previously. There is the division of the screen into thirds, a bit of a spiral pathway and the previously mentioned fore, mid, and background elements.

Just as with the last layout assignment explanation, try to incorporate some of these compositional pathways, divisions and dimensional setups into your own layout backgrounds.

You’ll probably notice that most of the spiral pathways tend to move in a clockwise direction as opposed to counter clockwise. See the notes on the Torture Chamber assignment. This is simply the natural tendency for the mind to accept a clockwise movement. A counter clockwise movement tends to create a feeling of discomfort, something to keep in mind
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