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Established 15,000 B.C.
Volume , January 1.
Muybridge travelled to Europe and lectured before distinguished audiences in Paris in 1881 and London in 1882. He returned to America and found sponsors for his work at the University of Pennsylvania who granted him facilities for further investigations and advanced him $5,000 for the project.
During 1884-5 Muybridge took more than 20,000 photographs of men, women, children, animals and birds in almost every conceivable type of movement. He was now able to take advantage of the new dry plates which produced toned photographs of much clearer definition. This time Muybridge added the device of a motor clock which permitted three different views of the same scene to be taken at the same time.
The results were published in a monumental work of 781 folio sized plates entitled "Animal Locomotion" (1887). It is the most comprehensive analysis of movement ever undertaken and is still used widely today as a source of illustration and for reference.
Muybridge tried to popularise his work at the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago and in connection with this event he produced a short work entitled "Descriptive Zoopraxography" (1893).
In 1894 Muybridge returned to Kingston for his retirement years and published two further books "Animals in Motion" (1899) and "The Human Figure in Motion" (1901). He died at Kingston on 8 May 1904 and was cremated at Woking on 11 May 1904. Muybridge bequeathed his Zoopraxiscope and a large collection of lantern slides used in his lectures to Kingston Museum, as well as unique ephemera and newsclippings gathered together in Muybridge's own scrapbook. |
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