Advanced Animation Kit - Levels 3 & 4
by Brian Lemay
Here's your chance to now get the Animation Kits as they were originally intended to be presented.

The entire Kit includes the following:

- Intro to Lip Sync DVD - Part 1
This DVD is one hour in length and introduces you to the process involved in animating a character that says the word "Meow". This assignment is included in the Level 4 Kit (more about that in a bit).

- Intro to Lip Sync DVD - Part 2
This DVD is a continuation on the process of making your characters speak to a sound track. Over 2 hours in length, this DVD shows you step-by-step, the things you need to do to animate a character saying the words, "Absolutely incredible". From rough animation to clean up, inbetweening, pencil tests and final color production. This DVD also shows you how to add line quality to your clean-up drawings.

- Tips and Tricks 2
This booklet covers many of the things you need to know about inbetweening, line quality, and your overall thought process as you go through the Animation Kits yourself.

- Animation Kit - Level 3
This kit contains 4 animation assignments for you to complete:

- Mouse Laugh
- Alien Laugh
- Cassim Take
- Cassim Double Take

Each assignment has a set of exposure sheets and key drawings with timing charts.

You can complete the inbetweens yourself or just use the key poses for reference to do your own animation.

- Animation Kit - Level 4
This Kit also contains 4 animation assignments:

- "Meow"
- "Hello"
- "Who me?"
- "What?!"

These are Lip Sync assignments that come with a set of exposure sheets and key drawings with timing charts.

Again, you can complete the inbetweens yourself or just use the key poses for reference to do your own animation.

This Kit is specifically designed for students who want to get more information than you would get in a classroom environment. Most school lectures are 1 hour long and don't cover all the information contained on the DVD's included. Even though the instructor may do an in-class demo, it can be difficult to see what they're doing and once it's over you have to rely on your memory. With the DVD's you can pause, rewind and review the demonstration over and over again, even follow along with it and pause as you complete your drawing.

The best part is, you'll feel like Brian is talking right to you and you're in the room with him as he goes through the entire process.

Each of these items sold separately would cost you $95.00 + $16.00 shipping for a total of $111.00.

This entire kit is available for only $69.00
within Canada

Shipping Options for the Advanced Animation Kit levels 3 & 4

(overseas orders outside North America e-mail for shipping prices).

e-mail to order this Kit

See more about the individual Kits and view the finished animation for each one

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